Enhancing icomplete-vertical-mode in Emacs: A Follow-Up

In my previous post, I shared how I improved the usability of
by customizing its rendering to make
completions more visually accessible. Since then, I’ve taken things a
step further by generalizing the solution into a reusable function and
introducing a range of customization options, including prefix markers
and alignment controls. In this follow-up, I’ll walk you through these
updates and show you how to get even more out of
In order to understand the Emacs original behavior and the history behind this, please take a look at my previous post before continue reading: Enhancing icomplete-vertical-mode in Emacs
Let's start with a little show and tell. The default config with this patch:
Some customizations:
Key Features of the New Implementation
1. Prefix Markers for Selected and Unselected Candidates
To enhance visual clarity, I added customizable prefix markers for selected and unselected candidates. These markers make it easy to identify the current selection at a glance.
Customization Variables:
: A string used as the prefix for the currently selected completion candidate.Default: "» "
: A string used as the prefix for unselected completion candidates.Default: " " (two spaces).
: Controls the appearance of the selected prefix marker. Default: cyan text with bold weight. -
: Controls the appearance of the unselected prefix marker. Default: gray text with normal weight.
2. Alignment for In-Buffer Completions
The alignment of in-buffer completions has been improved with the
introduction of icomplete-vertical-in-buffer-adjust-list
. When
enabled, it aligns completions with the cursor position where the
completion started, instead of defaulting to the first column. This
makes the completions feel more natural and connected to the context.
:Default: t (enabled).
If nil, completions will align to the first column as usual.
3. Toggleable Prefix Marker Rendering
The entire prefix marker functionality can be toggled on or off using
. If you prefer a cleaner list
without markers, simply set this to nil.
4. Overridable Functions
Both new functions icomplete-vertical--adjust-lines-for-column
, can be overridden to
implement new features. This is a little bit easier than re-write the
entire icomplete--render-vertical
How do I get it?
We're going to explore two ways of applying this patch:
- Applying the patch to your Emacs source or package directory
- Overwriting the setup directly in your
Let’s dive into both methods.
Method 1: Applying the Patch
You’ll need to locate the lisp/icomplete.el
file in your system or
in the Emacs source directory if you compile Emacs yourself. Follow
these steps to apply the patch:
1.) Locate the File
Identify the location of icomplete.el
on your system. If you're
using a precompiled version of Emacs, you can find it under the
directory of your Emacs installation. For users compiling
Emacs from source, look for the file in the Emacs source tree.
2.) Download the Patch
Download the patch file from here. Save it somewhere easily accessible.
3.) Apply the Patch with Git
Navigate to the directory containing icomplete.el
and run the
following command:
git apply path-to-patch-file.patch
Replace path-to-patch-file.patch
with the actual file path to the
downloaded patch.
4.) Load the Updated Version in Your init.el
After applying the patch, use the following use-package
configuration to load the updated version. The gif demo above uses the
following configuration:
(use-package icomplete
:bind (:map icomplete-minibuffer-map
("C-n" . icomplete-forward-completions)
("C-p" . icomplete-backward-completions)
("C-v" . icomplete-vertical-toggle)
("RET" . icomplete-force-complete-and-exit))
(after-init . (lambda ()
(fido-mode -1)
(icomplete-vertical-mode 1)))
(setq icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 0)
(setq icomplete-compute-delay 0)
(setq icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input t)
(setq icomplete-hide-common-prefix nil)
(setq icomplete-prospects-height 10)
(setq icomplete-separator " . ")
(setq icomplete-with-completion-tables t)
(setq icomplete-in-buffer t)
(setq icomplete-max-delay-chars 0)
(setq icomplete-scroll t)
(advice-add 'completion-at-point
:after #'minibuffer-hide-completions)
;; These are our new post-patch options
(setq icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-marker "» ")
(setq icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-marker " ")
(setq icomplete-vertical-in-buffer-adjust-list t)
(setq icomplete-vertical-render-prefix-marker t))
Method 2: Overriding in init.el
This method involves directly overriding the necessary options in your
without applying the patch. While this is not the
recommended approach, it can be used as a quick way to try out the
Add the Custom Code
You can directly customize
with the following code in yourinit.el
(use-package icomplete
:bind (:map icomplete-minibuffer-map
("C-n" . icomplete-forward-completions)
("C-p" . icomplete-backward-completions)
("C-v" . icomplete-vertical-toggle)
("RET" . icomplete-force-complete-and-exit))
(after-init . (lambda ()
(fido-mode -1)
(icomplete-vertical-mode 1)))
(setq icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 0)
(setq icomplete-compute-delay 0)
(setq icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input t)
(setq icomplete-hide-common-prefix nil)
(setq icomplete-prospects-height 10)
(setq icomplete-separator " . ")
(setq icomplete-with-completion-tables t)
(setq icomplete-in-buffer t)
(setq icomplete-max-delay-chars 0)
(setq icomplete-scroll t)
(advice-add 'completion-at-point
:after #'minibuffer-hide-completions)
(defcustom icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-marker "» "
"Prefix string used to mark the selected completion candidate.
If `icomplete-vertical-render-prefix-marker' is t, the string
setted here is used as a prefix of the currently selected entry in the
list. It can be further customized by the face
:type 'string
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defcustom icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-marker " "
"Prefix string used on the unselected completion candidates.
If `icomplete-vertical-render-prefix-marker' is t, the string
setted here is used as a prefix for all unselected entries in the list.
list. It can be further customized by the face
:type 'string
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defcustom icomplete-vertical-in-buffer-adjust-list t
"Control whether in-buffer completion should align the cursor position.
If this is t and `icomplete-in-buffer' is t, and `icomplete-vertical-mode'
is activated, the in-buffer vertical completions are shown aligned to the
cursor position when the completion started, not on the first column, as
the default behaviour."
:type 'boolean
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defcustom icomplete-vertical-render-prefix-marker t
"Control whether a marker is added as a prefix to each candidate.
If this is t and `icomplete-vertical-mode' is activated, a marker,
controlled by `icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-marker' is shown
as a prefix to the current under selection candidate, while the
remaining of the candidates will receive the marker controlled
by `icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-marker'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defface icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face :weight bold :foreground "cyan"))
"Face used for the prefix set by `icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-marker'."
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defface icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face :weight normal :foreground "gray"))
"Face used for the prefix set by `icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-marker'."
:group 'icomplete
:version "31")
(defun icomplete-vertical--adjust-lines-for-column (lines buffer data)
"Adjust the LINES to align with the column in BUFFER based on DATA."
(if icomplete-vertical-in-buffer-adjust-list
(let ((column
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (car data))
(dolist (l lines)
0 1 `(display ,(concat (make-string column ?\s) (substring l 0 1)))
(defun icomplete-vertical--add-marker-to-selected (comp)
"Add markers to the selected/unselected COMP completions."
(if (and icomplete-vertical-render-prefix-marker
(get-text-property 0 'icomplete-selected comp))
(concat (propertize icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-marker
'face 'icomplete-vertical-selected-prefix-face)
(concat (propertize icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-marker
'face 'icomplete-vertical-unselected-prefix-face)
(cl-defun icomplete--render-vertical
(comps md &aux scroll-above scroll-below
(total-space ; number of mini-window lines available
(1- (min
(truncate (max-mini-window-lines) 1)))))
;; Welcome to loopapalooza!
;; First, be mindful of `icomplete-scroll' and manual scrolls. If
;; `icomplete--scrolled-completions' and `icomplete--scrolled-past'
;; are:
;; - both nil, there is no manual scroll;
;; - both non-nil, there is a healthy manual scroll that doesn't need
;; to be readjusted (user just moved around the minibuffer, for
;; example);
;; - non-nil and nil, respectively, a refiltering took place and we
;; may need to readjust them to the new filtered `comps'.
(when (and icomplete-scroll
(null icomplete--scrolled-past))
(cl-loop with preds
for (comp . rest) on comps
when (equal comp (car icomplete--scrolled-completions))
(setq icomplete--scrolled-past preds
comps (cons comp rest))
and return nil
do (push comp preds)
finally (setq icomplete--scrolled-completions nil)))
;; Then, in this pretty ugly loop, collect completions to display
;; above and below the selected one, considering scrolling
;; positions.
(cl-loop with preds = icomplete--scrolled-past
with succs = (cdr comps)
with space-above = (- total-space
(cl-loop for (_ . r) on comps
repeat (truncate total-space 2)
while (listp r)
count 1))
repeat total-space
for neighbor = nil
if (and preds (> space-above 0)) do
(push (setq neighbor (pop preds)) scroll-above)
(cl-decf space-above)
else if (consp succs) collect
(setq neighbor (pop succs)) into scroll-below-aux
while neighbor
finally (setq scroll-below scroll-below-aux))
;; Halfway there...
(let* ((selected (propertize (car comps) 'icomplete-selected t))
(chosen (append scroll-above (list selected) scroll-below))
(tuples (icomplete--augment md chosen))
max-prefix-len max-comp-len lines nsections)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length selected)
'icomplete-selected-match 'append selected)
;; Figure out parameters for horizontal spacing
for (comp prefix) in tuples
maximizing (length prefix) into max-prefix-len-aux
maximizing (length comp) into max-comp-len-aux
finally (setq max-prefix-len max-prefix-len-aux
max-comp-len max-comp-len-aux))
;; Serialize completions and section titles into a list
;; of lines to render
for (comp prefix suffix section) in tuples
when section
collect (propertize section 'face 'icomplete-section) into lines-aux
and count 1 into nsections-aux
for comp = (icomplete-vertical--add-marker-to-selected comp)
when (get-text-property 0 'icomplete-selected comp)
do (add-face-text-property 0 (length comp)
'icomplete-selected-match 'append comp)
collect (concat prefix
(make-string (max 0 (- max-prefix-len (length prefix))) ? )
(completion-lazy-hilit comp)
(make-string (max 0 (- max-comp-len (length comp))) ? )
into lines-aux
finally (setq lines lines-aux
nsections nsections-aux))
;; Kick out some lines from the beginning due to extra sections.
;; This hopes to keep the selected entry more or less in the
;; middle of the dropdown-like widget when `icomplete-scroll' is
;; t. Funky, but at least I didn't use `cl-loop'
(setq lines
(cond ((<= (length lines) total-space) 0)
((> (length scroll-above) (length scroll-below)) nsections)
(t (min (ceiling nsections 2) (length scroll-above))))
(when icomplete--in-region-buffer
(setq lines (icomplete-vertical--adjust-lines-for-column
lines icomplete--in-region-buffer completion-in-region--data)))
;; At long last, render final string return value. This may still
;; kick out lines at the end.
(concat " \n"
(cl-loop for l in lines repeat total-space concat l concat "\n")))))
With the patch applied or the custom configuration set in your
, you've successfully enhanced your icomplete-vertical-mode
support vertical alignment and customizable markers. These
improvements offer a cleaner and more user-friendly completion
interface in Emacs, making it easier to navigate long lists of
Whether you prefer applying the patch directly to the source code or
overriding settings in your init.el
, both methods offer a flexible way
to tailor icomplete-vertical-mode
to your workflow. Experiment with
the options that best suit your needs, and feel free to tweak the
configuration further to make it even more personalized.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, don't hesitate to reach out. Emacs is all about customization, and the possibilities are endless!