Resolving Ç (Cedilla) Issue on Debian 12

Discover how to effortlessly resolve the ç (ce cedilla) issue on your Debian 12 system with a step-by-step guide that makes keyboard quirks a thing of the past. From configuring character input to optimizing your GNOME desktop, this article provides practical solutions for a more user-friendly experience.
Problem Statement
I am encountering an issue with my English US, intl. keyboard,
configured to 'portuguese-br,' where it occasionally outputs ć
instead of ç
in certain windows and terminals. This problem persists
on my Debian 12 system with the GNOME desktop environment.
To rectify this issue, you can create or modify the file located at ~/.Xcompose with the following content:
# UTF-8 (Unicode) compose sequences
# Overrides C acute with Ccedilla:
<dead_acute> <C> : "Ç" "Ccedilla"
<dead_acute> <c> : "ç" "ccedilla"
Afterwards, execute the following command in your terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/IMModule': <'ibus'>}"
To apply the changes, restart your computer or switch between Wayland and Xorg sessions.
And there you have it! Your issue should now be resolved.